Sunday 22 August 2010

Homemade Chocolate

It’s been a funny old day. I woke up this morning with a shocking sore throat, and ever since have felt like I might be in the early stages of a cold. It’s also been extremely hot all day, so I’ve been sweating profusely and can’t work out whether that’s the illness or the weather.

Nathan’s mother and her partner, Ron made a surprise visit today to watch Nathan in a very special performance given by his show choir at the Gatehouse in Highgate. We staggered up the hill from our house in the horribly humid weather, but it was absolutely worth dripping with sweat for. The gig was amazing. The choir sang songs from all sorts of musicals; some that I knew, some that I hadn’t heard for a long time, and some that I didn't know at all. A lot of the songs had a really strong gospel vibe and it was a privilege to hear a choir whose sopranos were chesting notes that only dogs can hear! It’s so wonderful to be able to throw oneself into the enjoyment of gospel music without the hideous embarrassment of knowing it’s all about Jesus. Gospel for the godless strikes me as the perfect genre. Our Lady J, the transsexual singer who the choir had spent the last few weeks accompanying at the Soho Theatre also did some of her songs. Again, brilliant. She has so much grace, wit and talent. I actually lept to my feet at the end of the gig, which is something I very rarely do.

After the show we ate at Cafe Rouge in the village, and Celia and Ron kindly paid for everything. They've now left to get themselves back to Shropshire but it was wonderful to see them and to share with them such a special concert.

Nathan has just informed me that there could well be some homemade chocolate coming my way, which makes me feel very excited. Unsurprisingly it's now raining cats and dogs, so I need something to cheer myself up!

350 years ago, Pepys' fellow Clerk in the Navy Office, Mr Turner, announced that he was pursuing the Duke of York for an extra allowance that would enable them to have an extra clerk. Pepys agreed to support him in his quest, as long as it was made clear they didn’t need an extra clerk because he himself wasn’t doing his job properly.

The rest of the day was spent in Westminster, meeting the great and the good, with Pepys continually feeling astonished by the respectful way that MPs and incredibly important people were now responding to him.

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