Sunday 10 February 2013


It was craft and cake today, and we've been holed up all afternoon at Sam and Julie's house whilst the wintry rain pounded at the windows. 

Today's food offerings included tea tree muffins, a boozy fruit cake and a pile of chocolate brownies. I think the group is going to set me up with a beginners quilting kit so that I finally have my own craft, although I'm such an obsessive workaholic that just doing nothing is probably better for me than anything! Everyone seemed astonished that I'd not brought my computer with me today, which probably says as much as you need to know... 

There's not a great deal else to say. Sam and I plotted how we're going to take over the world with the Rebel Chorus, whilst Nathan tried his hand at double knitting (by all accounts a deeply frustrating activity), Abbie knitted a tank top and Tina made red crochet squares for a blanket.  We watched Dancing on Ice and drank too many cups of tea. We're so blinking rock and roll! Next week someone's gonna have a sip of sherry and then our descent into debauchery will be complete! 


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