Thursday 4 April 2013

Calypso haze

I’m in a Calypso haze. I didn’t know such a thing existed until I started writing a Calypso. A Calypso haze, it transpires, is a sort of endless whirling sensation in the brain, caused by the repetitive bass-line which gives this particular type of music its essence. It’s not an un-enjoyable experience, but I hope it doesn’t last until it’s time to go to sleep. My brain can become a very active place when it smashes against a pillow. I once tried to learn chess, but every time I shut my eyes at the end of a day, I saw a checker-board stretching out in front of me. I wasn't designed to play chess. I have a reactive rather than proactive mind. I'm not sure I'm meant to write Calypsos either. I've never felt as white as I've been feeling all day today, although whenever I write pastiche, I end up feeling like a fraud.

We’re writing a round for our music quiz tonight. It’s very entertaining, although the whole thing is taking slightly longer than anticipated. Only another ten of these to go...

It’s been snowing all day. In fact there was a full on blizzard raging outside the sitting room window at one point this afternoon. I genuinely thought that yesterday was the last day of winter. What if the spring simply never comes?

I found this on You Tube today. I don’t know why I find it so beautiful. There’s something deeply hypnotic about it. It feels rather reminiscent of children’s books from the 1970s. Do have a look, and see it through to the end, because it’s also a very lovely piece of music. Dear old Debussy. I should listen to a great deal more of you...


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