Friday 29 May 2015

Brass notes

I spent the day today working my way through the latest set of notes from Philippa on Brass. I started at 10 am and have only just finished. They were very good notes and some, namely the ones to do with clarifying the relationship between the characters of Tom and Alf, were particularly inspiring, and made me look at the show through a slightly different lens. 

The notes I've been given since Brass was performed last August, have thrown the show a little off kilter in terms of structure, and I'm still trying to remedy the dip in energy which has emerged towards the end of the show's first quarter and the fact that there are perhaps one or two too many letters floating about in the show. I'm not quite sure how else to get the characters communicating with one another, especially with the women in Leeds and the men stuck in France. 

I went up into Highgate village after lunch to pay the quiz money into the recording bank account. Whilst I was in there, a hugely amusing woman was holding court. She went up to the counter to ask if her wages had been paid in, and was holding a clutch of notes to pay in if this wasn't the case. When it transpired that her money had indeed been paid in, she did cartwheels around the bank and told everybody that the drinks were on her tonight! I kind of wanted to ask how much had gone into the account! She seemed so happy that I wondered if she'd won the lottery. 

I sat in Costa Coffee with Highgate's finest, and worked through more of Philippa's notes, whilst two of the poshest little girls in the world gossiped like old ladies at the table behind me. When you're poor, it's amazing how much time you can spend in a cafe on one pot of tea and a glass of tap water.

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